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A Small Law Firm with a focused practice in Personal Injury, Criminal Defense, Bankruptcy, and Family Law.  For Business we handle collections, Corporate Law, and Contracts.



G. Paul Marx Trial Lawyer      337 237 2537    fax 232 4518
P.O. Box 82389 Lafayette, La. 70598-2389
850 Kaliste Saloom Road, Suite 107

Table of Contents (LINKS)

  1. How can I find a lawyer?
  2. How are fees set and collected?
  3. Legal advice comes only from Lawyers!  Not the news or your neighbors!
  4. No particular Lawyer can "fix" your case. (at least not 'legally')
  5. What is it that a Lawyer does in the day to day practice of law?

How can I find a lawyer?

Finding the right lawyer for your case is something to take your time with, to discuss with family, and with the lawyers you consider suitable for your case.  While there is a big difference among the lawyers in any community, remember that the law which is going to apply to your case really decides the matter. 

There are no so-called "super lawyers" or attorneys that can make a miracle happen for you!  These days lawyer advertising might create the impression that certain lawyers can make a bad case turn out great!  That is really not true, and in fact what you want in an attorney is some-one who is skilled in the practice of law,  has time to work on your case, and who is willing to be "counsel", meaning discuss the case with you and keep you up to date.

Looking at websites and advertisements can only be part of your work in finding a lawyer.  There are lawyer referral services in the local bar, but hiring a lawyer should be like any other hire you make: visit some lawyers, and find out whether the person is going to be able to communicate with you.

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How are fees set and collected?

Legal fees are based on the work done.  Sometimes part of your payment is for the lawyer's experience and knowledge and so you can't always compare one lawyer's fees to another.  You have to consider their qualifications.  Price alone should not determine your choice, and you shouldn't think that just because there's a high price that a particular lawyer charges that's the best attorney for you.

Generally in Criminal Defense work lawyers charge a flat fee.  If you're a business or professional person there's a chance in non-bankruptcy cases that the lawyer would bill for services at a monthly interval or some other time period.  But one thing is certain: you have a right to know what the charges are going to be and how they are calculated.  If you can't get something on how you're going to be billed, move on to another possible choice.

Certainly you want your lawyer working on the case, not trying to collect the fee!  So take care of that on the front end.  Personal Injury cases can be set up on a "contingent fee" basis in Louisiana. That provides a payout of fees to the lawyer when the case settles, based on a portion of the proceeds payable to you.

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Legal advice comes only from Lawyers!  Not the news or your neighbors!

Let us take a minute to address a pet peeve we have: "My auntie told me in her son's case the Judge gave him probation".   That's great.  It has absolutely nothing to do with your case unless every fact is exactly, precisely the same for you!  Everybody's an expert on the street, and one of the funniest things that can happen is a guy in jail hears from other inmates all about how to get out, never thinking "why is that guy still in here if he knows so much?".   Take your advice from people trained and experienced in the law.  Don't waste time with phoney experts.

The law is based on statutes passed by the legislature and the cases that apply those statutes to particular facts and circumstances.  The cases are what lawyers use to figure out how the plain words of the law actually play out in a case.  Based on the particular facts of your case, we then advise you of the possibilities and alternatives in your situation.

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No particular Lawyer can "fix" your case. (at least not 'legally')

Nobody in our office has any interest in going to jail.  As one of my LSU Law Professors used to say,  "if anybody goes to jail, be sure its not YOU".   Sometimes cases are fixed, as in a recent Baton Rouge scandal at City Court, but that's crime,  not the practice of law.  If you're interested in committing a crime through bribery or shady practice, close your web browser and find a different person to "work" with you.  We'll be glad to represent after you get caught, for a reasonable fee!

The idea there are some super lawyer heroes out there is 90% marketing hype!  Each case has a finite number of outcomes and the law limits what a lawyer can do.  Some are certainly best at what they do, but don't expect that you are going to find a lawyer who will win every skirmish and get you everything your want.  The law controls and dominates.

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What is it that a Lawyer does in the day to day practice of law?

Communication is job one.  That includes communication with you, the opposition in your case, and the court.  That is done in writing (email, court papers, regular mail) and speaking (court argument, phone calls, office conferences, court hearings).   There is also the critical element of research, which is looking into the law and how it has been applied to other cases like yours. We look at prior lawsuits that we call 'cases', and find out how the words in the law apply to facts.

Investigation is a key to legal work, but usually we have a specialist called an investigator that takes care of helping gather facts for us.  This is extremely important, because the facts determine what law applies and how it applies.  If there's a traffic wreck,  the facts are the starting point for us to argue about what happened and who's at fault.  And facts lead us to the law that applies in a particular case.

So the lawyer has to take what has happened to you, or the problem you have, and determine how the law determines what should happen.  Sometimes its not totally clear, and the lawyer will make reasonable claims for you about why the law is in your favor.  But there has to be a "basis" for that, meaning some other cases or law in your favor. 

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