CRIMINAL JUSTICE is the heart of our democratic system.   Our Constitution was the first to create individual rights,  including the Right to Counsel,  Right to Trial by Jury, and other major elements of criminal law.   Our law provides that each person charged with a crime by the government has a right to counsel.  For those who can afford to pay an attorney,  the choice can be critical.  Does the lawyer have experience in investigation and criminal law?   Will the lawyer be honest with you about the elements of your case and the issues you face?  Getting the right answers requires that you have a lawyer who is  1) capable of taking your case through trial; 2) knowledgeable regarding the criminal law; and 3) experienced enough to fully advise you of the choices to be made.

Mr. Marx is on one of the most respected and experienced Criminal Trial Lawyers in Louisiana.   He has 28 years experience in Felony Defense,   primarily in State Court but including work in the United States District Courts as well.  One of the special areas Mr. Marx has worked in is Capital Defense, which is a highly specialized arena involving particularly complex legal issues and strategies.  Cases accepted include felonies and serious misdemeanors.   Fees depend on the case.

Trial By Jury is fundamental.    If you have a right to a complicated process like a TRIAL,  with rules about who can say what and rules about what can be considered as EVIDENCE,   then you must either know the system or have someone who does on your side.  That's why we have the RIGHT TO COUNSEL,  meaning that the GOVERNMENT can't lock you up without going through DUE PROCESS,  including you having a lawyer.

One of the best things about our country is that we put LIMITS ON GOVERNMENT.   When the people that made the United States came over from Europe,  they had lived under KINGS, who basically could do anything they wanted to the PEOPLE.  If you owed money to a buddy of the king,  he could have you put in jail.  If the king wanted something,  he took it.  You could get a trial,   but only by the king or his cronies.   So when we got our freedom,   one cornerstone was that the PEOPLE would be in control of JUSTICE.  That meant TRIAL BY JURY,  and the Constitution says "of his peers",   meaning people like him. 

Sometimes a lawyer knows the client has done wrong.  But if we all just try to decide that and only represent the innocent,   we're back to the KINGS,  and the PEOPLE are not in control.  GOVERNMENT is not always right,  and I am proud to serve what is widely accepted as the best system of Justice in the World.  It is not perfect,  but it is the best.    Certainly I am saddened by some of the tragic cases that come to court,   and sometimes it is difficult to do my job,  but I will always do the very best I can for my client.  Sometimes I am literally the only person who is on my client's side in a case.  With all the money and power,  the government can take care of itself.   I want the government to be put to the test on its claims before someone loses their freedom.

  G. Paul Marx, A Professional Law Corporation


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